Pope’s treatise on Leadership!

The Pope really hit the nail on the head in his address to the leaders of the Roman Curia when he outlined the diseases that ail Leadership in general. Gary Hamel in his article in HBR The 15 Diseases of Leadership, According to Pope Francis translated Pope’s message of last year to corporate speak for the benefit of leaders outside of the Roman Curia.

Some of those stood out as common diseases visible all over:

A) Sense of being indispensable

B) “Leadership Alzheimer’s  disease”

C) The disease of hoarding, which I would like to broaden the scope of to include the disease of Silos and lack of information sharing

D) The disease of poor coordination- building on Mr. Hamel’s thoughts I believe this disease has its roots in the ‘better than the pack’ mindset

Definitely a great read by two stalwarts in their own fields! Enjoy!




Use, and reuse content- if you can chunk it, and if you can find it!

I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web – the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. A “Semantic Web”, which makes this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The “intelligent agents” people have touted for ages will finally materialize.- Tim Berners-Lee.


Karen McGrane really pushed my thinking in her key note at #mlearncon2014.  We, in learning design and development tend to chunk content due to the age old, established principle of ID, however, forget that the content can be reused, allowed to be reused, and more importantly should be found! Applying the principles of semantic web, utilizing a CMS to host chunks of content ready to be used through enabling tagging, and meta-tagging would lead to a better resuability, and portability scenario.